What Is Service-Oriented Architecture?

Brunt Dana
6 min readMar 5, 2021


A Review on the technical details of Service-Oriented Architecture

What Is Service-Oriented Architecture?

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a concept of technology layout that offers a service to the other segments by application segments, via a transmission protocol over a network. It has different origins than those of vendors and other software. In SAO, a certain amount of services connect with each other, by using one of the following protocols: by transferring data or through multiple services working coordinately. This is only a basic idea about Service-Oriented Architecture. Search Wikipedia for a larger and detailed explanation.

Features Of Service-Oriented Architecture

Albeit the main principles of Service-Oriented Architecture differ from software group to another, there are six fundamental aspects that gather the wide idea of Service-Oriented Architecture. The six principles are:

Market ethics

Strategic targeting

Intestine inter-communication

Sharing services


Depuration through evolution

All of these main principles may be considered as a bridge from traditionally conceived distributed systems to SOA to cloud system (which is frequently considered as a spinoff of Service-Oriented Architecture).

Service-Oriented Architecture Models

We have 3 playing parts in all of the Service-Oriented Architecture foundation piles: a provider of the service; a broker, registry, repositories; and the user or consumer of the service.

The service provider and the service registry work together to deliberate the needs and the processes of the service to do, like security, connection, the loading, and so on. This part also decides the service features and if any trading arrangement is required.

The service broker builds data according to the service accessible for those who need it. The capacity of the broker is defined by the one who handles it.

The service requester finds requests in the registry and links them to the provider of the service. They can or cannot be able to connect more than one service at a time, which is up to the qualification of the requester of the service.

Applying Service-Oriented Architecture

When we talk about applying SOA, we have a lot of software available to be used. It all depends on the target you’re trying to reach.

Usually, Service-Oriented Architecture is applied in internet services, where “practical foundation blocks become more reachable than old web protocols.”

When we talk of old protocols, SOAP comes to our mind, This is Simple Object Access Protocol. In a few word, SOAP is a transmission protocol specification for sending and receiving structured data in the use of internet services in computer nexus. Albeit SOAP was criticized when it appeared, since 2003 it obtained the acceptance of the public and is started to be commonly used. More choices for the use of SOA involves Jini, COBRA, or REST.

You should know that architectures are able “to work separately from specific software,” that’s to say they may be used in a lot of applications, like messaging, ActiveMQ; Apache Thrift; and SORCER.

The Importance of Service-Oriented Architecture

We can gain a lot with SOA, particularly in the web service based market. We will talk a bit of the rewards here:

Service-Oriented Architecture to produce reusable code: You can not only spare time during the coding work, but you have no need to create a new coding wheel when you are building a new service or program. With SOA you can use several programming languages since it all goes through a gathering interface.

Service-Oriented Architecture boosts synergy: With SOA, a traditional method of communication is applied, giving te multiple systems the chance to work separately of each other. With this synergy, SOA can even work with firewalls, enabling “companies to provide services that are fundamental for the systems.”

Service-Oriented Architecture for scalable business: Every company must be able to scale a business to give customers what they request, but some dependencies throw spanners in the works. Service-Oriented Architecture is a bridge from the provider to the customer, and this opens the door for scalability.

Service-Oriented Architecture can make you save: With SOA, you can decrease costs although it “maintains a prosper amount of output.” Using SOA gives companies the chance to reduce the extent of analysis needed when building practice solutions.

The Team Work Between Service-Oriented Architecture And Cloud Computing

You should know that SOA can function with or without cloud computing, but as time goes by many companies are uploading files cache to the cloud so it is a good idea to apply cloud computing and SOA at the same time.

In few words, cloud computing gives customers the chance to fast and simply apply services custom-made to the needs of their users, “avoiding the need of asking the IT department.”

A fail of SOA and cloud computing co-working is that it is not tested in some points like security and accessibility. When storing in clouds, customers are frequently in the hands of the provider.

One bigger problem companies face when mixing cloud systems and Service-Oriented Architecture is the adding of existing information and systems into the cloud storage. There should be evenness from the start to the end if we want there to be a smooth transition. We must remember as well that not all of the IT elements can be outsourced to the cloud — a few things can’t be done automatically.

If you want to find out more about service-oriented architecture and cloud computing cooperating click here.

The Difference Between Service-Oriented Architecture and SaaS

Now you should have better idea of what Service-Oriented Architecture means and how you can apply it to improve your company. It’s time for you to meet SaaS (Software as a Service), which is used for the same reasons. You want to know what SaaS is and whether it s better than SOA. To be short, the service SaaS offers is software applications. A main difference is that SaaS framework is “accessible but invisible to the customer.” A virtue of SaaS is that clients don’t need to install and update software, which avoids difficult needs. With SaaS, the user won’t need to apply any certificate, and this means less money spent since providers only have to maintain an application.

Differences Between Service-Oriented Architecture and Microservices

Microservice Architecture, is an “architectural concept that builds an application as a assortment of little independent services, shaped around a company sphere.”

While microservices and SOA can seem the same thing, the main distinction is seen in their working. Service is, of course, the principle of both. We have 4 basic variations of services:

Functional: this determines central business uses

Enterprise: this applies the uses determines by the functional services

Application: this is restricted to certain application element

Infrastructure: applies non-functional chores like authentication, auditing, security, and logging

You can appreciate that each of the above mentioned embeds the one after it, making a service that is not only user-friendly, but gives you a lot of ways to conduct your project. When it comes to applications, it’s all up to find out what is the best choice for you and your company.

If you want to know more about service-oriented architecture and microservices click here.

One last thing about On Service-Oriented Architecture

You already see that service-oriented architecture can be a little hard to seize, but when you get to know the nooks and crannies of it and the profits your company may get from it, you’ll be glad you have stumbled upon it.

We have shown you some of the best service-oriented architecture resources in this post and have a some other posts up to come that will make you immerse into this idea and share with you with even more options to help you boost your company to a higher level.

It’s not important which way you choose to give your customers the service they deserve, just remember that things that work some might not work for others. Even if you can’t give each client a different service that meets specific needs, you can give an assortment of services that should meet the most usual requirements of your customers.

In further posts, we’ll talk about Web 2.0 and deepen into Service-Oriented Architecture Microservices.

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what is service oriented architecture

what is soa

service-oriented architecture

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service oreiented architecture

